Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Anthroplogie Pillow

So I mentioned before I wanted to make this pillow.

So.. I got a new sewing machine for Valentines day 

The only problem is a haven't sewed since my Jr. High sewing class so I took what I remembered and here is what I got.

I laid out my fabric

Measured it and made some marks where I wanted to cut

I was making it a 26 by 26 pillow so I cut the fabric 4 inches bigger.

Folded the fabric and pinned it. Then I sewed to hold in place
I hand stitched along the edge to get the gathered look
This is what it looked like
Then sewed next to the gathers stitch 

Then I sewed the two sides together facing the inside. Then flipped inside out and sewed an extra piece of fabric in the middle also while gathering to get a more gathered look. Here is how it turned out.

Its a very large pillow and I love how it turned out! 
This is the back. I added some green buttons to match our bedding

This pillow at anthropologie is $58.00. I made this pillow for $14.00. I would say you could make it for less expensive. I bought this fabric for $9.99 a yard. There was some fabric for only $2.50 a yard so depending on the fabric it could be less expensive then that.
Hope you enjoyed! 


Whit said...

I like yours more than the Anthropologie ones!

Jessica said...

Wow! Good work! It make me want to make one, but I don't think mine would turn out nearly as well.

lindy said...

Kylie you are so talented! I have been looking at sites, I want to make some cute pillows, but im nervous.

Kylen Conterio said...

Thanks girls! It was fun to make I am still working on the second one. All of you should make one this one took a lot of stitching and unstitching but it was worth it! Don't be afraid to try :)