Friday, June 10, 2011

15 weeks

15 weeks: Our Little Orange

To our little peanut: You're getting huge! You are the size of a naval orange. Average size for you right now is 4 inches long and 2.5 ounces. This week we flew to Utah. Grandmas Thomas's funeral was on Monday. It was good to see the whole family again. Grandma left all the children, grandchildren and great-grand children a little present. She left you a jar a pennies. You are rich! I mean for a 15 week old I think you are starting out with more money then most. We are missing daddy a lot right now. Only 27 more days until we are back with him. Grandma Jeanne and your cousin Madison came with me to my doctors appointment in substitution of your dad. We got to hear your cute little heartbeat. I absolutely love listening to it, its my new favorite thing. Your heartbeat if you were wondering was 152, Grandma thinks that means you are a girl. We will see in 26 days if she is right. Everyone is now making their guesses on if you are a girl or boy. I think most people are guessing you are a girl. The Orem Summerfest is this weekend. We went tonight but because I am pregnant we were not able to ride any rides. Tomorrow is the parade and fireworks that will be fun with the family. I have yet to feel you wiggle but I am hoping soon enough. We have a busy week ahead of us doing a whole lot of nothing so get real excited.

love, mommy and daddy

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