Friday, June 24, 2011

17 weeks

17 weeks: Our Little Onion

To our baby girl: You are about the size of an onion. You are about 5.1 inches and 5.9 ounces. Your skeleton is hardening which is good. You should be mastering some simple reflexes such as swallowing, sucking, and blinking. You may even get hiccups. This week we went to the Strawberries Days Rodeo, to a slip-in-slide (we didn't get to go down), and it was Father's day! We are now staying the weekend at my sister for fun with her kids. Kaden's birthday is tomorrow so we are going swimming and having party! Right now I am sitting on Aunt Brooke's back balcony and the weather is so perfect. The sunset it beautiful! We are just talking with the family. This week is going to be another exciting week. I hope I get to feel you a little more. Sometimes it feels like there is a little fish inside just swimming around. I want to feel another kick I haven't since that one so come on girl! I finally feel like my stomach is looking a little pregnant not just chubby. I love you lots!

Love, mommy and daddy

1 comment:

Courtney and Hyrum said...

ADORABLE! can't wait to see you!