Friday, September 2, 2011

27 weeks!

Our Little Eggplant

Hey baby girl! Well you are still in the stage of an eggplant! Do you like my little cheesy photo. Well that is because my face is just not working today and I would really rather not show it. This week was my second week of student teaching I have officially taken over language arts. Tuesday was not a good day I ate something or got some bug and at 3:00 all of a sudden I felt like I was going to barf and die. I came home at 3:30 and threw up a few times. Then the rest of the night I was so tired and not feeling great! This week was your dads first week of school also. He has a tough semester ahead of him so hopefully he will do great! We had our forth ultrasound this week! So usually you only get to have one at our doctors office.. but the first time they couldn't find your heartbeat so they did one. The second time I went to a place and paid $45 to see what gender you were. The third time was my "20 week medical ultrasound" and then this week was another just for fun one. There is a place that does it for $25 so we went there! I wanted your dad to be able to see one since he was in Texas for the ultrasounds. Also we got our third conformation that you are a GIRL! I am just a worry bug and I have read so many times people are told one gender and get the other I wanted to be really sure. Its kind of like how I took 8 pregnancy tests to make sure I was pregnant its just how I will learn. In the ultrasound though we saw your eye and your eyelids blinking, we saw you stick your tongue out, we saw a tooth (not grown in but its in your gums). It was a really fun ultrasound I like being able to see you! You only have three months left exactly to be in my tummy! You may come a little early but you can't come late.. sorry. Love you lots!

love, mommy and daddy

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