Friday, November 4, 2011

36 weeks

Our sweet little girl,

I am 36 weeks pregnant! I am actually typing this on 36 weeks too! I had your dad take a picture real quick at 7 this morning so I could be prepared to do my 36 week post. Yes I am about to pop I am aware. I am also aware that I can barley breath, I should just stay in the bathroom and sleeping is a thing of the past. But... its all worth it for you! Right now you are getting closer and close to being able to breathe on your own. Your skin is getting smooth and soft. You liver and kidneys are in working order. Your circulation and immune system are basically good to go, too. This past week was Halloween. Teaching sixth grade on Halloween I learned is a very exciting thing. The kids were crazy and uncontrollable but it was a good day. Your dad came and helped with the carnival and the kids loved our costumes. We had to drive to the middle of nowhere to get a car for my brother. I felt some major cramping and thought I was going to go into labor it hurt so bad. Then the last couple days I keep getting really dizzy all of a sudden. So I went to the doctors and they put me on some iron supplements because my iron was low. It could also be the fact there isn't much room in there for you. We went to the movies last night with Jason and Angie. It may be the last time we go to the movies before you are here! I am so excited its friday. I only have 4 days left of student teaching! This was my last friday!! Wahoo! I am done next Thursday!! I have turned in my senior project and so the only thing I have to do is show up for two more classes and I am done with college! I am excited for this up coming week. I am finally getting my hair done and I have our baby shower next Saturday (so still a week away). It will be a good week!

Love you lots,

Love, mommy and daddy

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